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Welcome to 2024 Panhellenic Primary Recruitment!

On behalf of the Panhellenic Executive Board, we are so excited to learn more about you and show you our sisterhood. Here is some information we would like you to keep in mind:
  • There is a $50 registration fee required to go through the recruitment process. This helps us to pay for the operational costs of recruitment. This is a non-refundable fee that is paid through your registration form. If you need to pay in cash or check, please email mcriss3@kent.edu to make arrangements. 
  • There is no minimum GPA to go through the recruitment process. However, each chapter does have a minimum GPA standard for membership, so we recommend having at least a 2.7 cumulative GPA. 
  • Membership in Panhellenic organizations is restricted to those that identify as women. 
  • All potential new members MUST complete their "Hazing Prevention 101: College Edition" training on kent.prevent.zone utilizing their KSU credentials PRIOR to September 13th
  • The recruitment process will be hosted in-person in the Kent Student Center on September 13th and 14th and chapter facilities on September 15th and 21st. Bid Day will be taking place on September 22nd. 
  •  Our Panhellenic Recruitment Team is here to help! If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the following people:

To stay up to date on important information and get to know our members, be sure to follow us on Instagram!

The Panhellenic Recruitment Team

Next tell us a little about yourself: