Chapter Houses: Alpha Phi - 1501 Fraternity Row | Chi Omega - 1630 E. Sorority Row | Delta Delta Delta - 1616 E. Sorority Row | Kappa Kappa Gamma - 1604 E. Sorority Row
Check out our NPC chapters Instagrams: Alpha Phi - @uwyoalphaphi | Chi Omega - @wyo.chio | Delta Delta Delta - @uwyotridelta | Kappa Kappa Gamma - @uwyo.kkg
Recruitment Schedule and Time Commitments (more info to come!)
Orientation/House Tours: Thursday, September 19, 2024 @ 4:15 pm | Plan for 5 hours | During this round, you will go to each chapter house and be guided on a 20-minute tour.
Round 1: Philanthropy Round; Friday, September 20, 2024 @ 5:45 pm | Plan for 4 hours | During this round, you will go to each chapter house to talk to chapter members about their unique chapter charities.
Round 2: Sisterhood Round, Saturday, September 21, 2024 @ 10:30 am | Plan for 4 hours | During this round, you will go to each chapter house you receive an invite from to talk to chapter members about their chapter values.
Round 3: Preference Round, Sunday, September 22, 2024 @ 10:00 am | Plan for 4 hours | During this round, you will go to each chapter house you receive an invite from for a final conversation. After, you will note your chapter preference and will sign the MRABA.
Bid Day: Sunday, September 22, 2024, @ 6:15 pm (subject to change) | If you receive a bid, you will be invited to open your bid alongside all other potential new members. Upon opening your bid, you will run “home” with your new member class!