Welcome to CampusDirector for UWM!

If you have already signed up, click here to login to your account.

Hints for Setting Up Your Profile

  • Your profile is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the chapters prior to the start of recruitment. Be brief, but thorough in describing past leadership, service, and involvement experiences. This helps members of our organizations to get to know you better!
  • You are also invited to upload a picture of yourself. Please select a photo that is a face-forward portrait shot of just you. This picture helps sisters put together your face with your name before recruitment starts. This photo is not used in the mutual selection process. 
  • You will have the opportunity to upload an unofficial transcript and resume. Both are highly encouraged.
  • Make sure to keep your profile looking professional with appropriate capitalization, spelling, grammar, etc. Be sure that your name is exactly the way you want it to appear, including capitalization, because what you enter will be used to make you a name tag for the weekend. 
  • Make sure to write down your username and password and keep it in a safe place. You can update your profile at any time before recruitment begins by logging back in. 

Refund Policy

Should you register and then decide not to participate in Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment at UWM, you can contact Student Involvement for a refund. The refund request must be made prior to the registration deadline on September 21. No refunds will be given after the registration deadline closes. There is a $2 processing fee to submit your refund. Your account will be credited $8. Processing may take up to two weeks.

If you have questions regarding Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment or would like to request accommodations during the recruitment process, please contact the Panhellenic VP of Recruitment at cph.uwm.VPR@gmail.com or Student Involvement at greeklife@uwm.edu.

Next tell us a little about yourself: