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Welcome to CampusDirector for UTA College Panhellenic Council!

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Welcome to College Panhellenic Council Primary Recruitment Registration

This application is available to undergraduate UTA students wishing to join the following sororities:
Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, and Delta Zeta.


Primary Recruitment dates are September 6 - September 9, 2024

Women registering for College Panhellenic Primary Recruitment must attend all events on the above dates; excuses will only be granted for class.


Before completing the application form, students interested in joining a College Panhellenic sorority should review the
College Panhellenic Recruitment Guide for each sorority's financial and academic requirements.
Refunds will not be issued for applicants failing to meet the application requirements. Check out our website for more information as well: 

To apply, you will need to set aside approximately 30 minutes to complete the application and ensure you have your 
most recent high school or college transcript, and a recent photograph, and will need to have a credit or debit card ready for the $45.00 registration fee. 
Your application is viewable to the four CPH sororities; ensure that you complete it to the best of your ability. 

If you have questions or concerns before registering, email

Next tell us a little about yourself: